Stress Reduction

Lowering your stress can improve your quality of life and decrease your pain. Follow these recommendations

  • Exercise regularly.

  • Breathe deeply and exhale slowly.

  • Drink decaffeinated coffee and avoid energy drinks.

  • Pace yourself and don't be afraid to say no.

  • Keep your bedroom dark and quiet when you go to sleep. Window shades and a sound machine may help.

  • Place relaxing photos at your work desk and computer screen including photos of loved ones.

  • Design a work schedule that benefits you and your employer.

  • Set aside time for you to enjoy hobbies.

  • Take a warm bath or a hot shower before and after work.

  • Meditate.

  • Communicate with your doctor and your loved ones.

Tania Faruque MD is the medical director of Palomar Spine & Pain, in Escondido, CA (North San Diego County).


Rheumatoid Arthritis


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